Wildfires rage for weeks, hurricanes grow fiercer; floods, famine, drought, pestilence, plague. Only the chosen few will escape the doomed Earth through ascension. Is it the apocalypse from the book of Revelation, or climate change?
Apocalypse narratives reflect deep-seated societal anxieties. Today, climate change looms as our generation’s great existential threat; poised to claim millions of lives and exacerbate global inequalities. Parallels emerge between the rapture and our current crisis: a reckoning for human corruption amidst a dying planet, with salvation reserved for a chosen few.
Open My Eyes That I May See is a farewell message to a doomed Earth from a modern prophet, telling the story of humanity from creation to self-destruction to (we can only pray) rebirth. Yet, within this narrative lies the shadow of an unreliable narrator, their visions perhaps tainted by manic zeal.