Wildfires rage for weeks, hurricanes grow fiercer; floods, famine, drought, pestilence, plague. Only the chosen few will escape the doomed Earth through ascension. Is it the apocalypse from the book of Revelation, or climate change? 

Apocalypse narratives reflect deep-seated societal anxieties. Today, climate change looms as our generation’s great existential threat; poised to claim millions of lives and exacerbate global inequalities. Parallels emerge between the rapture and our current crisis: a reckoning for human corruption amidst a dying planet, with salvation reserved for a chosen few.

Open My Eyes That I May See is a farewell message to a doomed Earth from a modern prophet, telling the story of humanity from creation to self-destruction to (we can only pray) rebirth. Yet, within this narrative lies the shadow of an unreliable narrator, their visions perhaps tainted by manic zeal.

Exploratory Art

Rapture and Revelation Book


Mixed Media Experiments